recycling and alternatives in Lady Bay, by item

please help us to expand this list and keep it up to date

This is our growing list of items that can be recycled or that have an alternative solution.  See our Drop off points page for more details of each collection point.  For anything not covered here, see Notts County Council's Recycling Checker facility, click here.

Aerosol cans - in the blue bin or at recycling centres.

Aluminium Foil and Food Trays - at the Rugby Road Recycling Centre (The main recycling depot, not the Bring site at the Arena),  Aluminium only.

Baby food pouches - Radcliffe on Trent Pre-school Playgroup -

Batteries - Domestic - top of blue bin, cars etc - garages and recycling centres.

Beauty Products - John Lewis - most completely empty make-up or skincare products including beauty jars, tubes, bottles and make-up products. If you join their scheme you can get beauty product vouchers  Also at Boots - see under Make-up and Lotion bottles below.

Blister packs (for medicines) -  Boots have started a collection scheme, now available in West Bridgford (bin by pharmacy counter) as well as the city - see here. West Bridgford Methodist Church has a collection point but it often gets overwhelmed. They are accepted at some Superdrugs but only if they have a pharmacy - the closest participating shops are in Loughborough & Grantham.  ALDI have suspended their scheme, based on registering with Terracycle and sending them in, 'pending evaluation of the results'.  See this link to see the latest situation.

Books - Oxfam Bookshop, obvs. But also Bread & Butterflies like to make books available and there is at least one street library (in Gertrude Road) or join Lady Bay Book Swap Facebook Group.

Bottle tops  - Plastic bottles can now be put in the blue bin without removing the top. They should be scrunched up if possible. Only applies to plastic tops on plastic bottles. You might also consider using our drop-off points as this raises money for charity. See below for solutions for carton and glass plastic bottle tops.

Bras - Bra banks and recycling scheme operated by Against Breast Cancer.  2 Bra banks in West Bridgford (Melton Rd & Lings Bar hospital) and much more information here, including a map of them all. -

Bread bags - All local Co-ops and at Morrisons.

Brita filters can be recycled at Argos on the Queen's drive retail park and at Netherfield, plus at John Lewis’. You can always check by going to this page,, click on ‘Search for Recycling Points and enter your postcode.

Alternatively consider a simpler solution such as bamboo charcoal filters from This is a zero waste option. After use as a filter the charcoal can be used to remove odours from shoes, fridges etc., absorb moisture inside containers and eventually composted. The only commitment is to recharge the charcoal with a ten minute boil in a saucepan once a week. 

Bicycles - The Friary take any old (unwanted) adults’ or children’s bikes or spare parts, at The Friary, 46 Musters Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7PR 

Bubblewrap - Morrisons at Gamston, maybe the Co-op now.

Can holders (plastic) from multipacks, e.g. beer - Morrisons at Gamston

Candles and tealights (including the metal bits) - Send to FAO - RECYCLED CANDLES, Sid Valley House Hotel, The Barns, Sidbury, Sidmouth, Devon, EX10 0QJ.  This is a temporary address, as of end August 2022, so best check with them via email first - website is

Carex bottles - Our very own Post Office stocks refill bottles, enabling you to re-use the trigger mechanism (the only bit that can't be recycled).  Refill pouches are also available in most major supermarkets and 5 litre containers are also available on the internet.  Unfortunately we don't yet know whether the refill pouches can be recycled but their waste is at least less bulky than the dispensers.

Carrier bags – Co-op, Morrisons and Asda, in-store.

Cartons - ordinary cardboard ones can go in the Blue bin, but not any plastic tops, for which you need Susana's drop-off point.  See below for Tetrapaks.

Carton and glass bottle tops (plastic) - Susana's drop-off site, 9, Chatsworth Road and MooHaven drop-off point, Adbolton Lane.  Also Dove Cottage Day Hospice Shop in Cotgrave (The Old Telephone Exchange, Main Road, Cotgrave, Nottingham NG12 3HQ - see separate entry under drop-off points)Also Lush on Clumber Street in city centre. (Lush take the tops with a ‘2’ printed inside and the bigger lids (Horlicks, hot choc etc) with a ‘5’ printed inside) and St Peter’s Church in the City Centre.

Ceramics - Can be included in the rubble skip at the Rugby Road Recycling Centre.

Cheese packaging - so long as it's the flexible sort - clean, dry and, preferably, flat please.  Katherine's drop-off point, 2, Trevor Road, West Bridgford.  Or at the Co-op.

Cleaning products' bottles etc – variable, and usually not the tops with triggers.  Consider refilling instead.  Have we mentioned the Good Weigh yet (and the Post Office sell empty bottle for refilling)?

Cling Film - accepted at the Co-op

Clothing – MooHaven drop-off point, Adbolton Lane.  For resale, donations are usually possible at charity shops such as Oxfam, Rectory Road and at charities such as The Friary, Musters Road and the Salvation Army in the Meadows.  Online second-hand retailers take donations and even pay some of the proceeds to charity. check here ThriftPLus, and Refashion  Also the regular door-to-door collections of course, plus charity shops and the Bring Sites at the library, Morrisons etc.  But why not repair, reuse and adapt?  E.g. Meredith the tailor, in Trent Boulevard, does alterations.

Coat hangers (plastic) – Asda, Loughborough Rd., have a box near the tills by the windows for any coat hangers to be recycled.  Rugby Road also accept wire hangers as scrap metal.  A few people have successfully re-used them via advertising on Lady Bay Local.

Coffee pods - Must you?  OK, luckily Cristina's drop-off point collects Lavazza ones and Aldi have started a scheme - See this link to see the latest situation.  Tassimo pods can no longer be dropped off at John A Stephens but you could try this link to find an alternative for your make of machine -

Computers – Any major electrical store, at least while the WEEE directive remains in force.  BUt first, see if Backyard Electronixx can repair it.  Laptops can now go on the Blue Bins (but maybe ensure the hard drive is fully erased first).

Confectionery wrappers - at the Co-op.

Contact lenses (single-use) & packaging – Tree’s home-made Terracycle recycling depot at 33 Julian Road

Crisp packets - Now at the Co-op, so most other collection points no longer accept them.  Also possible to send them to a scheme which uses them to make survival blankets for the homeless.  Send used and washed crisp packets to 37 Marley’s way, Frome Somerset! BA113NG.

Crutches - Donate to the Red Cross - see Walking Aids below.

Cushions  & Pillows - Dunelm - See Duvets and other textiles.

Disposable gloves – via Ellie’s Fund in Radcliffe, location not yet known – these have to be done in bulk so, ideally, we'd like to have a drop-off point in Lady Bay.  The Co-ops wiill accept the pacjaging for gloves.  The wrappers from new ones are accepted at the Co-op.

Duvets and other textiles - Dunelm - (in a bag please), box by the exit -

Egg shells and boxes - Shells will compost provided they are crushed but do take 2 years (although they can finish composting in the soil).  Egg boxes can also be composted (we are assured) but maybe just re-use them for a while, buying eggs loose from the Good Weigh.  Also Rutland Stores accept used egg boxes as well as selling eggs loose, as do The Good Weigh.

Electrical Items - Small items can now go on top of our Blue Bins - see our Blue Bins page for a more detailed list of what is accepted.  Larger items should be returnable to where you bought them (or other large electrical shop), under the WEEE directive.

Fererro Rocher boxes - at Cristina's drop-off point.

Food trays and packaging (plastic/polystyrene etc) – Rigid food containers and reusable water bottles are now accepted at Katherin'es Drop-off point.  Rutland Stores' and The Good Weigh's Fruit and Veg are almost all sold free of packaging – just sayin’. Aluminium food trays are accepted at the Rugby Road recycling depot.

Fridges – Any major electrical store, at least while the WEEE directive remains in force.

Furniture – British Heart Foundation (Angel Row), Betel (The Arches, Lenton) or Sue Ryder (tel  0115 958 258 or email [email protected]).  Mattresses, beds and sofas can be recycled by Waste Nott Want NottOr consider renovation - we have two new ventures in Lady Bay itself.  Re-upholstering can be done by none other than The Lady Bay Upholstery Collective (click here for more details) or here for their Facebok page.  Another is Old Spruce Studio (click here for some examples), who rescue, renovate and redesign pre-loved furniture.  There is also Hollygate Upholstery in Bingham – [email protected].

Glass bottles and jars 'Bring sites' - Our own bottle bank, at The Hook Carpark, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s, plus West Bridgford Library.  Or you can use Recycling Ronnie's collection service! Try to choose sites that separate green, brown and clear glass, since mixed recycled glass has more limited uses.

Inflatables, inc lilo's, paddling pools, water-wings - Can be sent to Inflatable Amnesty to be turned into bags - strictly speaking this is down-cycling (or is it upcycling?) rather than recycling but not sure what alternatives exist at the moment.

Inhalers (Ventolin, Fostair etc) – at Lady Bay Pharmacy or any chemist.

Lids - on recyclable plastic containers can now be included in the blue bin.

Liquid Soap dispensers – trigger mechanisms are not recyclable but last for years, so buy refills!  Carex refills are sold at our own Post Office!  Also refill packs are sold at Morrisons and sometimes at the Coop (Dettol too, sometimes) and also available online.  Alternatively the Good Weigh sell dishwashing liquid and liquid soap as refills, plus other cleaning products, as do The Fruit Basket, Gordon Rd West Bridgford.

Lotion pump bottles - Boots Central Avenue (you can join their scheme for getting Boots points for recycling) (if you can't refill them f course).

Make-up - Boots, Central Avenue.  Includes make-up palettes, compacts, lipsticks, etc.  You can join their scheme for getting Boots points for recycling  Also John Lewis - see Beauty Products above

Masks - we are told that Morrisons have a bin for these, at least the single-use ones, next to the bin for plastic bags.

Mattresses - Waste Nott Want Nott recycle these for charity - see website,

Mobile phones – Any major electrical store, inc Carphone Warehouse, at least while the WEEE directive remains in force.  Or contact Backyard Electronixx.  Can also, now, go on the Blue Bin (once wiped of course).

Paper - Paperback books, catalogues, newspaper and plain wrapping paper can go in the blue bin.  Shredded and tissue paper can't.

Paper cups - At most 'Bring' Sites, but not plastic or polystyrene cups.

Paint - Liquid paint has to go to special disposal centres - our nearest ones are Beeston, Newark and Calverton.  There is one at Lenton Lane but may not be open to residents outside Nottingham - needs checking. Dried-up paint can go in the Grey Bin. More on Notts Council website here.

Pens – any brand of pen, felt tip, highlighter, marker, correction fluid pot, correction tape, but not wooden pencils or crayons. There is a bin for these in the front garden at Anne's drop-off point, 52 Holme Road.  Accepted waste by Terracycle ( 

Pepper-mills (so-called single use ones) - This video shows how to remove the top from a Swarz 'single use' peppermill, ready for refilling -  Basically heat the top up and it expands, so you can remove it and refill.

Pet food sacks and pouches – Accepted at Co-ops and at Pets At Home, Castle Marina.

Pillows & Cushions - Dunelm - see Duvets and other textiles above.

Plastic bottles that can’t be recycled – Gobrick – turn them into construction bricks.  Or try to reuse – see The Good Weigh’s list of refillable products – both foodstuffs and cleaning products –  Reusable plastic bottles, e.g. baby feeding bottles, are accepted at Katherine's Drop-off point.

Plastic carton and bottle tops - see bottle tops, above

Plastic food packaging - Flexible cheese packaging accepted at Katherine's drop off point. Other examples now recycled at the Coop but please check their list

Plastic plant pots - Notcutts now run a recycling zone, where old pots can be dropped off and people are welcome to pick up any they might need (rather than buy new). See their sutainability page by clicking here.

Polythene wrapping - e.g food and veg in-store bags, loo paper and newspaper packaging - Morrisons, Gamston, Co-op. The basic test is - does it stretch or crackle?  If it stretches, they accept it, if it crackles, they don't.

Pumpkins - do not go into the green bin and need not go into household waste.  The flesh makes excellent soup and the seeds can be dried and/or roasted (reputed to be good for your prostate, lads!).  Then compost the skin - no, they don't go in the Green bin - did we say that already?

Pringles tubes and other containers with metal ends (e.g. drinking chocolate) – These can now go in the Tetrapak bins at many of the local council Bring sites, including the one at the library car park (not, at the moment, the one on the Hook however).  Not the lids.

Printer CartridgesCoop in the Avenue, in the aisle containing chemicals, baby stuff, pet food, etc.  Many manufacturers and online retailers now have a system to accept returned cartridges.  Also Dove Cottage Hospice shop, Cotgrave.

Snacks, nuts, popcorn and  pretzels packets - The Vat and Fiddle (near the station) NG2 1ND, opening hours only.  For terracycle.  Also now the Co-op (must be cleaned).

Shredded Paper - can't go in the Blue Bin but can be used to help manage the moisture levels in a wormery.  Luckily we have a very enthusiastic centre of knowledge in Nottingham - The Urban Worm.  Be careful if you contact them, though, their enthusiasm is contagious.  Or turn it into briquets for a chimenea or wood-burner.

Shoes, boots and sandals'Bring Sites' - Library, Morrisons and probably Asda The Notts Recycling Centre website states that shoes can either be reused or, if worn out, recycled.  But why not try to re-sole and heel?  Central Shoe Repairs in the Avenue have a surprisingly good range of replacement heels and soles – “they rescued a pair of sandals and a pair of trainers for me, I couldn’t believe it!”).

Stamps – Used stamps (small border around the stamp please) can still go to Maureen's drop-off point - posted through the letterbox at 164 Trent Boulevard and Maureen will forward to BCRT (Bone Cancer Research Trust).  Children can also post theirs in their box at Lady Bay School.

Takeaway food containers - Another problem area - we suspect the plastic ones aren't of suffient quality to go in the Blue bin (think tupperware quality) so the option is to reuse them as much as possible. Aluminium containers might be accepted at waste recycling centres.

Tassimo podsJohn A Stephens Ltd.  Sadly at Castle Meadow Road depot, NG2 1AG, not Radcliffe Road depot (but anyone fancy checking?).  Pallet is on the left-hand side just inside the entrance gates, or pods may be dropped off at the sales counter.  Contact details – 0115 941 2861.  Wonder if this could be another drop-off point item?  There is a concerns that the only recycling facility may be in Hamburg - to be checked.

Tetrapak cartons'Bring sites' at the Library, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s.  You can now leave the plastic tops on the carton but we also have an alternative for them which earns money for charity, thanks to Susana's drop-off point.

Textiles – We are informed that H&M & M&S accept any textiles in exchange for vouchers – not tested though.  Dunelm have also started to install collection bins in their stores.

Toothpaste/brush paraphernalia (inc. floss packaging & electric toothbrush heads) – Boots now accept dental products as part of their recycling scheme.  This includes West Bridgford, City Centre and Riverside branches.  Please note that Trees Recycling Depot no longer accepts dental products.  Electric toothbrushes can now be left on top of your Blue Bin.

Towels - The RSPCA apparently are keen to receive donations of old towels but best to check with them first.

Trigger/pump mechanisms - not recyclable, consider refilling first.  Otherwise remove the mechanism before recycling the bottle.

Tupperware - Katherine's Drop-off point, if you can't reuse them.

Vape cartridges - Cloud 77, at the start of the Boulevard, have a recycling point. These should be recycled, not put in general waste.

Walking Aids - sticks/crutches/frames - The British Red Cross can arrange for the item to be collected, cleaned, serviced and re-issued to someone else in need.  Call 0345 1272911 or email [email protected] to arrange a collection.

Wool  - Maureen's drop-off point is sadly now closed for wool.

Yoghurt pots - all can now go in the blue bin (May 2022 update).


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