Consultations Continue:-
Major redevelopment of Nottm Forest City Ground - Planning Application made to Rushcliffe Borough Council - See there for details and to comment - https://planningon-line.rushcliffe.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=Q0JLLKNL0CT00.
Renewal of Public Spaces Protection Order (Dog Control). Please see the link below for the consultation, which runs until Friday 7th March 2025: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LJCNXMQ. More detail here - https://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/.../public-spaces.../
Rushcliffe Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) – Consultation - The consultation finishes at 5pm on Monday 10 March 2025. Draft code & supporting docs are available to view at: http://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/.../rushcliffe-design-code. Comments on the draft Rushcliffe Design Code SPD can be made by email to [email protected], or by post to: Planning Policy, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YG.
And another consultation - Survey of pharmacy needs currently being undertaken (done every 3 years). Link to our county council is Nottinghamshire County: https://consult.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/.../pharmaceutical.... Closes 31 December 2024. -
Local consultation re parking restrictions in Lady Bay - ends 1st December. Prompted by recent disruption to the no. 11 bus route, this survey has been launched and all contributions are welcomed. Click on this link to the online questionnaire or, if paper is preferrred, the survey is on the back page of the recent Newsletter, delivered to every address in Lady Bay. It can also be downloaded via the link just below, printed it off and posted to 135, Trent Boulevard.
To be clear, this is a separate, locally-inspired, consultation unrelated to the recent consultation described 2 items below.
Next Public Meeting - 9th November at 2-00pm. Theme - "Celebrating Volunteering in Lady Bay". Click here to download the accompanying Newsletter.
New parking restrictions in Lady Bay proposed - Click here to download the map and email here [email protected] to comment. Consultation lasts until 7th November. The focus is on restricting parking close to junctions, to improve visibility and thus safety..
Latest call for applications from the Lady Bay Community Fund. Applications accepted during October - see their page on this site.
Changes to Greenline Bus routes - 1st September 2024. Hidden deep within their leaflet and despite the no. 11 being unaffected, there are some changes that affect us. In particular :-
The no. 7 service to Cyril Road is replaced by the no. 5 - the no.7 wil no longer go anywhere near Lady Bay, the no. 5 will instead
The no. 6 now serves Morrisons instead of the 5 & 7. The 11A still goes to Morrisons and connects with the 6, but there is no longer a connection to Melton Rd. (or 'Lady Bay West' as we believe they prefer to be called).
A much better map than the one on their leaflet can be found on this link - https://www.nctx.co.uk/network-improvements-1st-september-2024.
Rushcliffe Council Resident Satisfaction Survey has been launched - tell them what you think here - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5BR56DP.
Lady Bay Arts have announced their Summer Workshop programme - 3 sessions from 10-00am to 1-00pm, 29th July & 5th & 12th August. More details via ther website - https://ladybayarts.org.uk/2024-summer-workshops.
Voter Id is necessary for voting in person at the upcoming General Election on 4th July. Those without a Passport, Driving Licence or Senior Citizen bus pass will need a Voter Authority Certificate. This link shows how to apply. https://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/elections/voter-id-guide/. And here again is the llink on registering to vote - https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote. Also, in order to hand-in a postal vote at a polling station, it is necessary to complete a form at the station and there is a limit of 5 postal votes that can be handed-in in this way by any one person - click here to be able to download the form.
More consultations
- Smoke-free zone regulation expansion to cover all Rushcliffe - Residents have until Tuesday March 12 to submit their views in a public consultation.
- New Design Code to set out quality and standard rules for new developments - Anyone can take part in an online survey and share their views until Thursday February 29.
- Rushcliffe Council are seeking views from West Bridgford, Lady Bay and Edwalton residents about how it should allocate local portions of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding where development has taken place - Details of these eligible projects (some in Lady Bay) and how to take part in the survey is available on the RBC website and views should be submitted by Sunday February 18.
Elections of new East Midlands Mayor and Police & Crime Commissioner coming up: Register to vote deadline is 16 April 2024, election date is 2nd May. For the former, see https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.
Adult Learning courses for Spring 2024 announced by Inspire - https://www.inspireculture.org.uk/skills-learning/
More Consultation - County Council's electric vehicle charging strategy/framework - https://consult.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/transport/ev-consultation/. You can also download their framework documents from this link. Consultation ends 12th March.
Consultations - Parking restrictions in West Bridgford - Click here to give feedback. AND County Council trying to weasel out of paying their share for subsidised Tram travel for disabled and pensioners - feedback here and guidance on the issues via this Facebook group - Save Free Tram Travel.
Floodline alerts - This link is to the current Floodline alerts for Nottingham - https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/alerts-and-warnings?q=Nottingham. This link has also been added to our own page - https://www.ladybay.co.uk/local-authorities-and-other-official-bodies, under Environment Agency.
Latest round of bids for grants from the Lady Bay Community Fund. See our page for more details. Applications close at the end of October.
Notts County Council have launched a public consultation on their 2023 budget - Click on this link for more information and to give feedback: the consultation closes on 12th November.
Feedback on Nottingham Station plans to close all manned ticket offices can be given via this email address - [email protected], deadline 26 July. Also - Feedback on the Rushcliffe Corporate Strategy can be given here - deadline 17th July.
Open Gardens is on - 8-9 July! See their webpage here for the map and addresses, etc.
Planning application for 2 bungalows in Trent Boulevard - Rushcliffe Planning application 23/00910/FUL. We have been told that this development will put 6 flats (totalling 10 bedrooms) and 2 x 4 bedroom houses on a plot where there are currently 2 bungalows with a total of 8 bedrooms. Comments can be submitted via this link - https://planningon-line.rushcliffe.gov.uk/online-applications/ - search for the above reference no.
Latest Community Association Public Meeting held in May - minutes now available on our LBCA page
No. 11 bus route extensions now operating - Sadly only 3 an hour most of the time but, soon, between 10-00 and 16-00, one an hour (No.11C) will serve Watersports centre every day and another one an hour (No. 11A) will extend to Morrisons at Gamston. USE IT OR LOSE IT. Effective 28th May - https://www.nctx.co.uk/timetable-changes-sunday-28th-may-2023.
Next Community Association Meeting is on 17th May 2023. Expect updates on the Canal, FIELDS and the proposed school closure and discussion on car parking. Dowload the latest Newsletter here.
New Public Health campaign in Rushcliffe, aimed at improving the general health of the population. Different subject each month, see this link - https://www.rushcliffehealth.org/population-health-management.
Apparently Lady Bay has one of the highest rates of howeworking in the country. Come along to this event if interested in contributing to research on the subject by the University of St Andrews - Lutterall Hall, Weds 22 March @ 5-15. Download more details by clicking here.
EV Cable Channel Charging Scheme - Thinking about getting an Electric Vehicle but don't have off-road parking? Try this scheme, to create a cable channel from your house to the road - https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/transport/travel-notts/electric-vehicle-charging-in-and-around-nottinghamshire/electric-vehicle-cable-channel-evcc-pilot-programme
Friends of the Canal report dredging (aka Reed-munching) to take place on the canal in early March 2023. Friends of the Hook March Report also now issued - see their page here.
MORE Consultations - Click here for the consultation about the Radcliffe on Soar incinerator proposals and click here to give feedback on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan.
Voter ID - Most people without either a passport, a driving licence, disability pass or senior citizen's bus pass will need a Voter Authority Certificate to vote in person. These can now be obtained via this link - https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate. or in person at the Rushcliffe Customer Service Centres, including the one on Gordon Road.
Bin Collections 2023 - Download your calendar for 2023 from this link on the Rushcliffe Council website. Next Green bin collection on Thursdays is 19th or 26th January, depending exactly where you live.
Christmas charity collections - Usuaslly a lot of these are set up - here's a Facebook post about Tara's Angels. Any others. let me know and I'll add them here.
Consultations, Consultation, Consultations! Notts County Council are asking for opinions regarding next year's budget. Click here to let them know your opinion. Also the Boundary Commission are inviting comments on their final draft proposals, closing on 5th December. Click here to get to the page where you can inspect the proposals and comment. And finally Notts County Council are inviting comments on the proposed (in their words) Devolution Deal, based on creation of a new tier of local government based on Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Click here to access more information and the Consultation Survey.
Lady Bay Community Association Newsletter is out now - including on this website! Click here to download. Our next public meeeting is on Saturday 19th November at 2-00pm, All Hallows Hall (leaving time to get to the West Bridgford Christmas Lights Switch-on afterwards).
Donations for Christmas - we can't keep up with all the opportunities to donate for Christmas but here's one, Tara's Angels, for Mum's and children living in Nottinghamshire Refuges, Collection point at the Lady Bay pub. - https://www.facebook.com/groups/934697826541392/permalink/5989707814373676
Council regular Bulletins - We used to post these bulletins here but, since they changed their format, it is now too difficult to turn them into something we can publish. Luckily Nottinghamshire now have a constant link to the latest briefing, via this link. Unfortunately I can't find the same for Rushcliffe but you can subscribe via this link below and we've added the subscription link for Notts too:-
Public meetings announced - one is our Community Association, inc AGM (Sat 19th Nov) and the other is about the state of the Canal (Thurs 3rd Nov) - see our events page.
Lady Bay Community Fund looking for new Trustees - only 2 meetings a year - contact [email protected] if interested in volunteering.
Lady Bay Bridge restricted to soutbound traffic - now over - Pretty good explanation of the current situation can be found here - https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/transport/roads/lady-bay-bridge-closure
Time to ensure you are registered on the electoral role - emails being sent out by Ruschliffe Council and you need to respond. See this link for details and the process.
The shed bike thief has finally been nabbed - see this report from the local police. "Despite the numbers being low there has still been some sheds being broken into around Lady Bay with mostly push bikes being stolen. I am pleased to let you know that behind the scenes we have been working alongside our burglary team on CID to identify who was responsible. This person was arrested last week and charged with a number of these offences. We could not achieve outcomes such as this without the help of you all, the Local Authority and importantly our residents. Please keep encouraging reporting to the police via 101, 999 or now the online method via the internet. Despite this arrest I would still ask you to pass on my message of keeping your properties, outbuildings and vehicles secure. Many offenders on the area use an opportunistic method and this is reflected in the offences I see."
Electoral Boundary Commission report - Lady Bay remains as a distinct ward - see this link for the map and details
Biodiversity Opportunity Mapping Workshops for Wedst Bridgford, 6-8 June - Am, pm & evening sessions available - more details see our events page
Latest Rushclife Briefing here - Lots on Health, Wellbeing and Vaccinations, plus Jubilee preparations and the Council Tax Rebate - Updated from previous May version published.
Lady Bay Arts Trail is on - 14-15 May. PDF of the map available here.
Open day at St Edmund's Church, see Events page. Congratulations to Virender Rose for the Lady Bay Pop-up cafe's Marmalade Award. And, finally, the 30mph speed limit on Radcliffe Road is implemented, although not yet extended to cover Regatta Way and the canal footpath crossing.
Consultation regarding the future of the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station, including the proposed creation of a Waste Incinerator, can now be made via this link - rushcliffe.ratcliffeLDO.com
Copy of the presentation re Central West Bridgford Neighbourhood Plan, presented at the recent Community Association Public Meeting.
Latest Rushcliffe Council Briefing can be found by clicking on this link. And here is the equivalent one from Nottinghamshire County Council.
Rushcliffe Council Briefing 21 November 2021.
Public Consultation on Local Election boundary changes affecting Lady Bay. It has been proposed to merge Lady Bay with part of Trent Bridge ward, to be represented by 3 councillors instead of two. The deadline for feedback is 13th December and the link to give feedback is https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/have-your-say/27236.
Community Association Public Meeting: 17 November at 8-00pm in All Hallows Hall, Pierrepont Road.
Dates for the Arts Trail and Open Gardens announced - see Events listing.
Christmas Toy Appeal by Rushcliffe Children's Centres. Seeking donations, collection points and nominations - click here for a poster with more details.
Public consultation re proposed foot and cycle bridge across the Trent, just before the Hook. People can view the proposed scheme and comment at www.transportnottingham.com/watersidebridge until Sunday 28 November. More details in this West Bridgford Wire article.
Latest Rushcliffe Council Newsletter can be found by clinking on this link. And here's the equivalent briefing from Notts County Council.
The bell will ring. All Hallows Church bell will ring on Saturday 30th October from 6pm, together with other bells throughout Nottinghamshire, in support of COP26.
Latest Rushcliffe Council Newsletter can be found by clicking on this link.
Consultation re proposed 30mph limit on Radcliffe Road. Open for comments until 12 November 2022. Can be found by scrolling though this link - https://consult.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/traffic-regulation-orders/proposed-30mph-speed-limit-tro-8331-a6011-radcliff
Covid Booster vaccinations - Walk-ins now accepted at certain sites, including the Forest - https://nottsccg.nhs.uk/covid-19/nhs-urges-public-to-take-up-covid-19-booster-offer-as-certain-sites-start-accepting-walk-ins/
Councillors Divisional Fund available - Our County Councillor, Penny Gowland, has asked for applications for this fund. Email her (address here) or see this link for more details. https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/finance-and-budget/grants-funding/councillors-divisional-fund
Celebrating Rushcliffe Awards - nominations requested. Nominations are open until 11pm on Monday 18th October and the winners will be announced and celebrated in a ceremony to be confirmed later this year. Follow this link for more information - https://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/aboutus/newsandpublications/latestnews/stories/name,58299,en.php
Police and Crime Commissioner Survey - https://nottspcc.co.uk/rushcliffe/
Some updates to recycling pages and to events.
Updates to the FIELDS home page, including a NEWS page with their latest updates. Latest briefing from our County Councillor and an appeal to comment on the Rushcliffe Council Air Quality Action Plan.
Suddenly some outdoor theatre appears! 21st and 23rd August, see our events page.
The County Council's Big Notts Survey is underway until 19th September. More details - click here.
Lady Bay School closure proposal and provision of school places generally in West Bridgford - public meeting via Zoom called by our County Councillor, Penny Gowland, all invited - 15th June, 7-30 to 9-30, joining instructions - https://zoom.us/j/99860700956... Meeting ID: 998 6070 0956 Passcode: 624711. Views on the proposals can be posted via this link, organised by Penny - https://padlet.com/ppzpag/lshg97wat324jbi2.
Public Consultation on Rushcliffe Council constituency boundaries - until 19th July - More information here - https://westbridgfordwire.com/have-your-say-on-a-new-political-map-for-rushcliffe-borough-council/
Recent updates made to the Fields page - neither building on the flood plain nor closure of our school is a 'done deal'. Alternative ideas based on developing the existing school site are starting to appear on our Fields pages. Click here for our Fields pages.
Some events associated with the sadly cancelled Arts Trail are continuing, click here to view on our Events Page.
Plans for the Lady Bay Safari Sale continue apace - see the poster on the School Association (LBSA) Home Page.
A number of useful guides on Crime Prevention have been produced by the Police, including one of thefts from sheds. The link can be accessed via our Crime Prevention and Safety page.
Lady Bay Guides and Brownies are looking for volunteers to Lead or support Guiding in our area. Contact [email protected].
Pat Rodriguez' recent Facebook posts on Lady Bay History have been combined with other people's comments to produce our first article on the History of Lady Bay - click here for our History Page - Pat's article is the second link down on that page.
Latest from the council and police re the park and the Bridgefield in central West Bridgford.
FIELDS zoom meeting held 23 March. - See Fields pages.
Census 2021 letters now coming out - See this flyer, the official day to report is Sunday 21st March.
Rushcliffe Nature Conservation Strategy Implementation Group AGM via Survey Monkey. Open to anyone who is involved/interested in wildlife and nature conservation in Rushcliffe. To participate they ask people to complete a short form with eight questions in total. The Virtual AGM is on this link https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/QRXFWJB. Feedback requested before 28th March.
Notts Childrens' Centres are running online events - see their events section of their Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ChildrensCentreServiceRushcliffe/events/?ref=page_internal. I've just noticed that they've changed their website address (probably ages ago, sorry). Their entry on our Groups and Classes page has been updated.
FIELDS holds first meeting to discuss the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan, the proposed developments East of Lady Bay and the proposed School closure/relocation. More about FIELDS on their page on this website.
Lady Bay Community Fund (LBCF) launches latest round of applications - More details on their Home page here.
Vaccinations now open to over 60's - see this link for the latest status and guidance - https://nottsccg.nhs.uk/covid-19/covid-19-vaccination-in-nottingham-and-nottinghamshire/. If you need to refer to it later, it can be found on, surprise surprise, our Links, Help and Information page.
Open Gardens - postponed in its normal form, situation to be reviewed in April. Report can be found here.
Community Association (LBCA) Committee meeting - understandably not much to report, update on the LBCA page here. Sadly the next Open Meeting has had to be cancelled
Councillors' Connection Briefing, 3-4 February 2021. Lots more on Vaccinations, grants and goodnesss knows what else.
"Open Doors" Programme to help parents and carers return to work. This link opens up a leaflet with the details of a new programme starting in March, Called the Opening Doors to Employment (Moving on for Parent / Carers) Course, this accredited course aims to help parents / carers who are thinking or looking to return back to work. The course is completed in the learners own time with tutor support.
Councillors' Connection Briefing, 28 January 2021. Bins, Covid-19, vaccination programme, elections - loads of stuff!
The future of Broadmarsh - The Big Conversation immersive presentation - Follow the progress of Nottingham City Council's work on redeveloping Broadmarsh - we do have to walk through it after all. I want an open public space on top, full of greenery, plus bars and restaurants and with views of the Lacemarket, the City, the Castle and of course Lady Bay. https://nottinghamcity.gov.uk/information-for-business/planning-and-building-control/building-a-better-nottingham/broadmarsh-area-transformation/
Holme Pierrepont Hall garden open to local residents for exercise during lockdown. People must purchase a ticket in advance from www.holmepierreponthall.com as numbers are limited. Dogs are welcome.
Lady Bay Arts Trail 2021 cancelled. Darn! See more detail on our Arts Trail feature page.
Last Councillors' Connection Briefing, 7 January 2021. - Newts finally get a mention!
Free resources available in Lady Bay - We have added a new section on resources available free of charge to the Local Support Initiatives page. Let us know of anything that can be added.
Covid-19 iNformation and links
For more general information on Covid-19 from the government, NHS and other official bodies, including the councils and public transport,
see the top of our 'Links - Help and Information' page, but here is a link to Rushcliffe Council's Covid-19 updates, :-
Our local Covid-19-specific listings now appear on a separate page, under our Local Businesses section. This includes information on Shopping Locally including Deliveries, Shopping Deliveries from further afield, Take-aways and meals delivered, and, at the end.
This page now focuses on latest information only. Local Initiatives can now be found here.