Last / Next Meeting 22nd May / 9th November 2024
Working for the Lady Bay Community
The Community Association brings together the residents of Lady Bay and the local authorities, plus voluntary and other organisations, in a common effort to improve the conditions of life for residents. It has been active since 1973/4.
Public meetings are held twice a year, committee meetings four times a year and a Newsletter is issued every six months. See below for current committee members, the Constitution of the Association and links to minutes of public meetings.
Several subgroups operate in liaison with the Community Association, including FIELDS (when active), Open Gardens, the Community Fund and the Community Liaison Group (see below). They also assist with some (but not all) of the various activities under Lady Bay in Action.
Read on for the latest update, the current committe members and more.

Public meeting update
The next Public Meeting is on 9th November 2024 at 2-00pm, with the theme "Celebrating Volunteering in Lady bay". Newsletter can be downloaded by clicking here.
The last Public Meeting was Wednesday evening, 22nd May 2024, at 8-00pm in All Hallows' Hall. Newsletter can be downloaded by clicking here.
and the minutes can be downloaded by clicking on this link.
See above for a link to the latest Newsletter and our Past Meetings page for previous meetings.
Current Committee
Vice Chair
Celia Easteal
Councillor Sue Mallender
James Strawbridge
Committee members
Councillor Richard Mallender, Maureen Mitchell, Sian Trafford, Chris Trafford, Gill Stephenson, Timothy Woods, Richard Arblaster
Minutes of the Lady Bay Community Association Public Meetings can be found here.
New Constitution and Standing Orders
The Community Association Constitution and Standing Orders were revised and ratified at an Annual General Meeting in 2016. Web editors are awaiting confirmation that these are the New Constitution and Standing Orders as ratified.
Community Liaison Group Meetings
The Lady Bay Community Liaison Group meets monthly at All Hallows Church with Framework management and local councillors at All Hallows Church, to discuss pertinent neighbourhood issues and concerns relating to Transitions South, Framework's temporary supported accommodation for homeless young people in Trent Boulevard. Updates are provided by Framework about community engagement. The meetings usually take place every first Wednesday of the month 7.15pm-8.15pm at the Duesbury lounge, All Hallows Church, Ladybay.
The link to the Lady Bay Community Liaison Group log is, issues reported here are discussed with Framework. The group’s email is [email protected].
The main contact number for Framework is 0115 850 4040.
Lady Bay Development Plan
Localism, Community and Neighbourhood Development Report
Supported by the Lady Bay Community Association, a research project has been conducted by James Tangen, a doctoral candidate in the School of Sociology and Social Policy of the University of Nottingham.
The report is intended to fulfil three aims:
- To provide an overview of the Localism Act 2011 and to highlight areas that may be significant for the future role of that Lady Bay Community Association.
- To provide an up-to-date statistical profile of the Lady Bay in an attempt to identify key features of this unique community.
- To present the findings of a consultation with Lady Bay residents that provide an indication of how they view their community, and how they would like to see it develop in the future.
The report can be downloaded as a pdf by clicking here.