Lady Bay ACtivities for young people
There are lots of organised activities for young people, this is only a sub-set. See also our Sports page and many groups for Adults are also open to children.
Dance classes for children are covered in our Dance section.
Brownies and Guides
Brownies - for girls 7 -10 years of age, Guides for girls aged 10-14. Currently no Rainbows group in Lady Bay.
1st Lady Bay Brownies - meet Thursday evenings at All Hallows Halls 6.00pm - 7.30pm. Contact [email protected].
2nd Lady Bay Brownies - meet Tuesday evenings 6.00pm - 7.30pm at All Hallows. Contact [email protected].
1st Lady Bay Guides - meet every Thursday evening at All Hallows Halls 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Contact - [email protected]
To join any group, or find the latest information, girls need to register via the girl guiding website, choosing 1st or 2nd Lady Bay Brownies or Guides as their preferred group. The link to do this is -
All dates and times current as of February 2020. Currently appealing for more volunteers - if interested, contact [email protected].
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers
1st Lady Bay Scout Group meet during term time, at the Scout Hall on Mona Road.
Beavers - young people 6 - 8 years - Thursday evening 6.15 pm - 7.30 pm
Cubs - young people 8 -10½ years - Tuesday evening 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm
Scouts - young people 10½ - 14 years - Wednesday evening 7 pm - 8.30 pm
For more information on joining, or to volunteer with any of the sections, please contact Elaine via [email protected] or the secretary at [email protected].
For more information about 1st Lady Bay Scout Group and hiring the Scout Hall, please visit or, on Facebook,
To find out more about Scouting in general, please check out
All dates and times current as of February 2020, see website for latest information.
Other local activites for young people
Lady Bay Church Youth Group
Friday Night Youth - an evening of fun and worship. Free to anyone in years 7 to 13. They alternate between All Hallows' and St Giles' churches. The latest schedule of meetings can be found by clicking here.
Inclusive sports for children with special educational needs and disabilities, based at the Gamston Community Hall.
Other national youth organisations
Sea Cadets - just across the river. membership appears to be open to both girls and boys -
Woodcraft Folk - Lady Bay used to have a thriving Woodcraft folk community but now the nearest group is in Leicester -
Boy's Brigade - at St Giles' Church - "whilst some groups are for boys only, others are open to boys and girls through membership of The Girls’ Association" -
Lady Bay Skate Park
Not strictly a group but a valuable resource for young people (who probably know it's there anyway).
But here is an interesting and personal history of the skate park.

Rushcliffe Country Park Wildlife Watch Group
The Rushcliffe Country Park Wildlife Watch Group organise nature exploration and discovery, games and practical activities with young people (8-13 years old, under 8s must be accompanied).
They usually meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month (current at January 2024), whatever the weather, at the Education Room, Rushcliffe Country Park, Mere Way, Ruddington, NG11 6JS.
For more information, please go to or email [email protected].
See also for more general information about local nature reserves and sites.