FIELDS archive
Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership need your comments.
Comments can be submitted via:
Email to: [email protected]
Post to: Planning Policy and Research Team, Nottingham City Council, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG
To comment on the proposals, you can consider the points below:
- The land east of Lady Bay is very prone to flooding and is therefore unsuitable for development.
- The River Trent, ground water and run-off all contribute to this, as seen earlier in 2021.
- Extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain and snowfall are expected to become more frequent due to climate change and so it is unlikely that the situation will improve or disappear.
- Extensive development in this space will cause large areas to be paved and tarmacked over for traffic which will adversely affect drainage and therefore encourage flooding.
- This flooding will not only affect any new development but will also have a knock on effect for homes in Lady Bay where standing water in gardens and flooded cellars are already a problem.
- The area to the east of Lady Bay provides much loved recreational spaces of benefit to people's health and well-being and this has increased significantly during the lockdowns.
- Given we will have to live with Covid-19 for the forseeable future, the loss of any of the current Green Belt would be disastrous.
- Loss of the Green Belt would also cause areas such as Lady Bay and Gamston to 'bleed' into each other, resulting in one great urban sprawl and thereby losing distinctive local identities.
- The Green Belt provides valuable habitat for biodiversity (plant life, vertebrates, birds and insects - vital for pollinating plants and crop production, and for feeding birdlife too).
- So much habitat has already been lost so the Green Belt needs to be protected, especially around Lady Bay because it forms a vital part of local flood defences.
See flyer distributed to every household in Lady Bay.
Note error on the flyer - 24th March 2021 is a Wednesday not a Monday! In the rush getting it out no one noticed until it was too late.
Photographs below were taken of the recent flooding of the fields during early 2021: