Lady Bay Groups and Classes for adults
A number of the following activities are also open to children and some activities are now being conducted online - if in doubt, check via contact details below. This listing is in three sections, covering:-
Advertised classes - please consider those who support the Community Association
Other Fitness and well-being classes
Other activities run by volunteers, including craft, creativity and general socialising
See also our Sports page.
Advertised Classes - Wellbeing, fitness, Pilates & MUsic Classes.
Please consider supporting our advertisers.
Pilates and Yoga with Debra
In person Pilates classes :-
- Monday - Poppy and Pint, 11.30am
- Tuesday - St. Peter's Room, Ruddington, 10am
Zoom classes online - Pilates/Yoga combined (Register first via ([email protected]) :-
- Monday 10am
- Tuesday 8.30am and 6pm
- Wednesday 10am
You can also call Debs on 07768 554848 for further information or check out her website:
Zumba with Ali
CONTACT : - Ali Biller, licensed Zumba instructor, on 07967 852207 or at [email protected], or see website - or Facebook page for latest times and venues.
Pilates by jodi
Venue classes held at West Bridgford Methodist Church every Monday & Friday at 9:30am. Live online classes also available, as follows:-
Monday 6:15pm
Tuesday 9:30am
Wednesday 9:30am and 6:15pm
Thursday 9:30am and 6:15pm
Friday 8am (30 minute Power Core session)
Recordings available for every live class if you are unable to make the live times.
1:1 Sessions also available at my in home Pilates studio. These are suitable for beginners, those suffering with back issues, new Mums or post op.
More information can be found at -,
Contact : 07725 696137 or email at [email protected] or on Facebook –
Music Lessons
I’m Richard Coffey-Glover, and I am an experienced music educator who can teach beginners through to advanced students, both children and adults. I teach piano, composition (including music for film and games) and music theory, and all lessons are accompanied by follow-up videos and exercises tailored towards your development.
I primarily teach one-on-one lessons, but if you are interested in group lessons then please do get in contact - tel 07740341573 or email - [email protected]. Or please visit my website for more information:
Keep scrolling for many more activities, organised on a voluntary basis
Adult gROUP activities
More social and/or cerebral activities, organised by volunteers. Young people are often welcome as well, check with the organisers. NB - there are a lot - keep scrolling!
religious and pastoral Services at All Hallows' Church
The Church has produced this useful overview, for download by clicking here.
Web site
Sunday Services:
9:00am Service with Holy Communion
10:30am Service with Kids’ Church
7:15-8:00am Morning Prayer
10:00-11:00am Non-Communion Service
7:30-8:30pm Encounter Service of prayer and worship (2nd Thursday of each month only)
10:00-11:30am Family, Fun and Faith (2nd Saturday of each month only)
Free fun and games for families with children. At the Vicarage, 121 Holme Road
Warm Spaces - Drop in for a hot drink, refreshments and a chat
Tuesdays 10:00am-Noon - Open Door Coffee Shop
1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursdays 2:00-4:00pm - Knitting Group
4th Thursday 1:30-3:30pm - Forget Me Not Café
Heron Music Cafe
Heron Music Well Being Cafe meets two-weekly at the Poppy and Pint.
Sessions take place on the first & third Monday mornings between 10.30 and 12 noon (not bank holidays) at the Poppy and Pint. They aim to provide a dementia-friendly and inclusive space for people to come along and enjoy live music based on the five principles of Well Being. The latest schedule can be found by clicking here. Contact us for details of the next one - email on [email protected] or phone on 0115 9145879.
The cafe is about avoiding labels and bring people together with a wide variety of mental health conditions, with those who are socially isolated or who just want to share a cup of coffee and have a song! No charge is made to attend and refreshments are provided, though we welcome donations to ensure the cafe can continue.
The sessions are led by specially trained musicians who are supported by a team of volunteers. The cafe is run by musicworks and sponsored by the Trent Bridge Community Trust.
For more details on musicworks in general, see
Campanology - Bell ringing

Please contact me if you would like to try your hand at Church Bell ringing.
The practices are at St Edmund's Church, Holme Pierrepont, on Thursday evenings.
It is challenging physically and mentally and is great fun.
Maureen - [email protected]

There's a lot of singing going on locally, including the following - contact details can be found by clicking here for our Music page.
In Lady Bay itself - Lady Bay Community Choir, West Bridgford Tuneless Choir & The Heron Music Cafe
Not far away - West Bridgford Social Singers, Everyone Can Sing & The LIberty Singers
Further afield - Ruddington & District Choral Society
Local Drama Groups

There are two local drama groups and detail cam be found on our Drama page by clicking here

Lady Bay Birdwatchers meet regularly and maintain a long-runn ing survey of the birds in our area. More detail can be found on their page by clicking here.
Wellbeing Walks

11.00am Tuesday mornings from the Poppy & Pint, Pierrepont Road
Rushcliffe Move and Mingle is your local Wellbeing Walks’ scheme for accessible short local walks to help you get more active.
We walk through The Hook, along the river to Holme Pierrepoint watersports centre and back through Lady Bay. Walks last about 90 minutes, depending on walkers' ability and levels of fitness, with options for shorter walks. Walkers sometimes stay for coffee and a chat at the Poppy & Pint after the walk.
No need to book; just meet us by the tennis courts on the Poppy & Pint car park 10 minutes before the start of the walk, so that one of our trained walk leaders can take your details. If you want to know more before you start, just get in touch: - Email: [email protected] Or call Duncan 07969 330846 or Simon 07976 631194.
Rushcliffe Photographic Society

The Society is a friendly, mixed ability group of around 75 members, a number of whom are Lady Bay residents. The club meets every Tuesday evening from 8:00 pm from September to June at The Parish Rooms, Burnside Grove, Tollerton NG12 4ET.
We offer an imaginative programme of activities and events that includes practical ‘hands-on’ sessions and talks and presentations from a number of guest speakers from the wider photographic community including some highly acclaimed specialists in wildlife, landscape, sport and travel photography for example. We also have a series of competitions on a variety of themes throughout the year.
For anyone in the area that is interested in photography, we may have just what you're looking for. More information about us can be found at, and we can be contacted via email at: [email protected] or [email protected].
UNiversity of the Third Age

A wide range of courses, activities and meetings for retired and semi-retired people.
This the link to the West Bridgford branch but people often join several branches, depending on their interests. Luckily the West Bridgford site has several links to other local groups.
Women's Institute

For anyone who identifies as a woman. Lady Bay WI meet at the Poppy and Pint on the 3rd Monday of every month, at 19.45pm as of November 2024. New members always welcome. Contacts - Kate Pittam 07933746021 + Jane Timms 07966222569. First session is free. For our latest event meetings go to our Facebook page -
For up to date information on joining: see -
or contact the local WI via
Book GroupS

There are many book groups in Lady Bay but they keep changing venue and people. Best to ask around or post an enquiry on Lady Bay Local.
Notts Wildlife Trust

The Wilder Nottinghamshire Network is a community for everyone involved in nature’s recovery across the county to celebrate action, encourage collaboration and inspire others to act. The fledgling network now includes nearly 60 groups the length and breadth of the county. This briefing, prepared for the LBCA Public Meeting Nov 2024, tells you more. They also run a series of talks - try this link and select the South Notts group.
If you, or a community group you know, would like to join the network please visit our website for more information: