Recording Birds in Lady Bay
Activity continues via inputs from a regular Hook Watch and Garden Watch (every Sat AM between 08.00 - 09.30) and from any records submitted from wherever you are in the Lady Bay area. Entries are submitted to the organiser, Keith Rainford. See their website (link below) for more details and access to the latest bird information and reports.
As part of our local birdwatching activity we record the birds within the Lady Bay area. This defined area is shown on our website. Birds seen anywhere within the area or from the boundary are included in our listings and records can be submitted to the group at any time. A short summary report is issued each month and an annual report at the end of the year. As part of this recording exercise, short birdwatching walks take place through The Hook on a Saturday morning and last from 08.00 - approx 09.15 with a coffee afterwards at The Bottle Top. The aim of these walks is to give people regular local birdwatching and an opportunity to get to grips with common bird identification. To date (31 October 2024) 116 species have been seen within or from the Lady Bay area and boundary of which 90 species have been seen within or from The Hook.
We would like as many people as possible to get involved in this exercise, to keep an eye out in the area and to submit their sightings to the contact below.
Contact: If you would like to take part or find out more information please contact Keith Rainford at [email protected] or visit