Friends Of The Hook (FrOTH)
‘Friends of The Hook’ is a group of volunteers who help to look after The Hook Local Nature Reserve. Our work covers a range of activities. Often it involves getting out on the nature reserve, planting and looking after native trees and shrubs and sowing wildflower seeds.
It also involves keeping a careful watch on what is happening with birds, insects and plants, monitoring and recording species to track their success or decline and assess the impact of changes in habitat and also of climate change and global heating. We are always keen to share this information through social media and events to keep people fully informed.
We work closely with Rushcliffe Borough Council, the owners of the site, who care for the reserve through their Streetwise team.
We welcome new volunteers. This could be practical work at our Working Parties, on the 1st Sunday of every month, meet at the Mona Rd entrance. During the darker winter months, we meet 1.30-3.30pm. We also welcome help with social media, improving our website, taking photos etc. Help with planning future events such as the Apple Day and Tree Trail.
If you’d like to get involved, do contact [email protected].

Friends Of The Hook aim to support the use and management of the Hook area of Lady Bay as a designated Local Nature Reserve by protecting, maintaining and enhancing it for the benefit of the local community and for flora and fauna. They are a voluntary organisation, working with Nottinghamshire Wildlife and Rushcliffe Borough Council.
You can find us on Facebook at
Information about the Hook and the Friends group is also available at
Or email Jane Browne at [email protected] for information, or to raise an issue about the Hook that you would like the Friends committee to discuss. Volunteers are always welcome - see below for examples of their work and here is their archive - they've been at it for a while now.
The FrOTH AGM will be held at 7-00pm on the 9th May 2023 in the Breckles Hall. Everyone welcome.
FroTH benefits from Co-op Community funding
Friends of the Hook benefit from the Co op community funding 'Protecting and enhancing Our Environment', which will run until September 2020.
If you are a member of the Co-op, you can, on line, allocate your Co-op community funding to Friends of the Hook.