We're here to provide information about Lady Bay and what's going on in our lovely area. Have a look around - follow the menu above or, for a bit more or a guided tour, either look below or see our ABOUT page for a description of each section. Just want the latest news? See our Headlines page.
We welcome comments or suggestions, please see the 'How to contribute' section.
Covid-19 Situation - many pages under 'Local' and 'Lady Bay in Action' have now been updated to provide Local and National information, guidance and help regarding the current situation. Here are some short-cuts to help you find the most relevant to Covid-19 :-
National and Local official info and guidance re Covid-19, plus many links to support organsations.
Local businesses that advertise with us and more limited information on local suppliers, including food.
Childcare, activities for children and adults plus participatory sport.
Latest on waste and recycling services
website admin
This is not a commercial site - all those helping to run it are local volunteers. We do our best to keep the contents up to date and accurate, but please do check with event or group organisers before making commitments and do let us know of any changes.
Victoria branch
Web design and sits on the Lady Bay Open Gardens Committee. Sorts out any mess that Steve makes.